The Collier Classification System for Very Small Objects


- Please refer to the instructions to use this chart

- > Indicates contributor additions to the charts

- (e) or (i) When two word fragments cannot be put together into a pronounceable form, connecting letters may be  added. Options appear in parentheses.

First name: A+B

   A. Status

     Onli - once living

     Neli – never living

   B. Component

     frag - a fragment or incomplete part of a whole

     part - a complete part of a larger whole

     whol - a whole individual entity

Second name: C+D

   C. Point of origin

     >Ally – found in an alley

     >Bag(e) – found in a bag

     Bas(e) – found in a basement

     Beach(e) – found on a beach

     Bookstor(e) – found in a bookstore

     Buildi - found inside a building

     Clos(e) – found in a closet or wardrobe

     Drar(e) – found in a drawer

     >Dune – found in a desert

     >Els(e)-found attached to something else

     >Field(e) – found in a field

     >Flor(e) _ found on the floor

     Gift(e) – given as a gift

     >Head(e) – found on a head

     Hous(e) – found inside a house

     >Humnfur(e) – found in human hair

     Machappli – found inside a machine or appliance

     Park(e) – found in a park or forest

     Petfur(e) – found in or on a pet’s fur, feathers, or hair

     Pock(e) – found in a pocket

     Porch(e) – found on a porch

     >Punkon(e) – point of origin unknown

     Shosol(e) – found on the sole of a shoe

     Stret(e) – found in the street

     Tabl(e) – found on a table or desk

     >Trous(e)-found on trousers

     Underweb(e) – found under a spider’s web

     >Vial(e) - found in a glass vial

     Watr(e) – found in the water

     Yard(e) – found in a yard or garden

   D. Apparent purpose or function

     acculicorn – to accumulate in corners

     aripest – to be an aerial pest

     >arit – for the purpose of art

     attach – to attach to other things

     crecrawli – to creep and crawl

     conjoin - to connect or join two separate things

     deco – decorative

     disgups – to disgust or upset

     edi – primarily intended to be eaten

     electro – electronic

     float – to float in or on water

     >ident – to identify something else

     >igni – to ignite or be lit on fire

     mecho – mechanical

     nouse – no apparent purpose or function

     partof – only obvious purpose or function is as part of a larger whole

     protect – a protective wrapping or covering

     rol – to roll around

     >seedifi – to act like a seed

     stabscrach - to scratch or stab things

     stictothing – to stick or cling to surfaces

     >unkno – unable to determine purpose or function

     >wrapa – to wrap something up

     >writ – to write with

Third name: E+F+G+H

   E. General color

     blak(e) - predominantly black

     blu - predominantly blue

     brown(e) - predominantly brown

     gren(e) - predominantly green

     gray - predominantly gray

     metal(i) – a natural or applied metallic color

     multico - multi-colored, no individual dominant color

     orang(e) - predominantly orange

     pink(e) - predominantly pink

     purpl(e) - predominantly purple

     red(e) - predominantly red

     >stripi – has stripes

     tan(e) - predominantly tan

     transluc(e) – transparent or translucent

     whit(e) - predominantly white

     yelo - predominantly yellow

   F. General shape

     circu – generally circular

     con(e) – generally cone shaped

     curv(e) – generally curved

     cyli – generally cylindrical

     flat(e) – generally flat

     >hyperbowle – generally hyperbolic (bowl shaped)

     irre – irregular

     line - relatively long and linear

     >orangurv – having the shape of an orange

     pointi – having one or more tapered or pointed ends

     recti – generally rectangular

     round(e) - rounded but not spherical

     spheri – generally spherical

     symme – primarily symmetrical

     tria – generally triangular

   G. Consistency or surface texture

     britl(e) – brittle

     crunc(i) – crunchy

     dul(e) – dull

     >fibri – fibrous

     flexi - flexible

     hard(e) – hard

     roug(e) – rough

     rubry – rubbery

     sharp(e) – sharp tip or edges

     shin(i) – shiny

     smoth(e) – smooth

     soft(e) – soft

     squis(i) – squishy

     wet(e) – wet, slimy or sticky

   H. Visual comparison

   For this category an object may not be described as resembling itself. A plant or plant part cannot be plantlike.

     anilik – resembles a larger animal or animal part, ex. horns, teeth, major body parts, etc.

     biggerlik – resembles something bigger than but like itself

     >buglik – resembles a bug, other small invertebrate, or part thereof

     >cliplik – resembles a fingernail clipping

     otherlik – resembles an unspecified thing other than itself

     plantlik – resembles a plant or plant part

     unlik - resembles nothing but itself

Architect and primary author, Brian D Collier